Thursday, May 23, 2013

Review: ETUDE House's AC Clinic White-Trouble Bubble Cleanser

Hi girls.. it has been a long time since my last post..
Sorry for that.. I'm having my final exams nowadays..
And today i'm going to make a new review from (again) ETUDE House.. YEI!!

This is one of my daily skin care from my past..
(I move from this product not because i don't like the product.. it's because my brother came home from US and gave me bottles of cleansing foam from Neutrogena, which has been famous for their acne treatment products for a long time)

And the star of this post is..

Bubble Cleanser comes with a pump!!

AC Clinic Daily Bubble Cleanser

This Cleanser comes from the AC clinic line.. which actually made for people who has trouble with daily acnes, period acnes, comedoes, and so on.
but, it's fine if you use it just to prevent your face from acne troubles..

Well, before I start of the pros and cons.. I would like to say that I have an oily skin, but I'm not really fighting with acnes, since it comes like one or two acne/s per month.. (I guess)

What I like from this Bubble Cleanser:

  • Packaging is really hygienic
  • Affordable
  • Gentle
  • Non-comedogenic
  • Moisturising
  • Clinic smells
What I do not like from this Bubble Cleanser:
  • Not really cleaning my face (BB Cream applied)
  • Doesn't help fighting acnes problem (maybe I have to use all products from the line to make it more effective)

My thought:
I would like to stay with my Neutrogena..And i wouldn't not back to the Bubble Cleanser, except i get it for free XD.. (Read my review on my Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Stress Control here)

Neutrogena (what I'm using now)

I hope this review is helpful.. and if it is.. please do leave a comment bellow.. ;)

Please enjoy my post, and I'll talk to you girls soon..

Janice (승미)

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