Sunday, August 11, 2013

Makes Your Eyes Larger and More Expresive with Eyeshadow

Every girls, must have at least once dreamt for a large and expressive eyes..Cause just by looking into your beautiful expressive eyes, you can make a man can fall for you.. Never hear bout that before? ;)

Oh, but you also need to behave well, cause there's no such a good man who will fall for pretty girl with no manners..

And in this short post, I will tell you how to get that large, beautiful, and expressive eyes to catch a man's attention.. Here we go girls!!

 Having a large eyes is good, it can make you look more youthful and cute..

and an expressive eyes will add plus points to your eyes.. large or not your eyes are, as long as they're expressive, they will makes you look cute and pretty..

That's why, expressive eyes is every woman’s dream and one of the reasons behind the existence of decorative cosmetics.

When trying to visually reshape your eyes, makeup is your best ally as long as you keep in mind that black and dark colors make the eye look smaller.

If you wish to optically enlarge your eyes add eye shadows beginning at the inner corner and working outward eventually using darker tones as you near the outer corner. Use lighter and darker nuances of the same color for best results. (I always recommend neutral colors for everyday look! Neutral and natural are the best!)

     1. The Choice
Select a light neutral color of shades. I usually choose a color that suits my skin color the best, but if you wanna add more color, you can take a light grey color for pale skin, and honey or walnut color for darker skin.
     2. Defining The Guidelines
Add eye shadows only to the area below your crease.
To find your crease, you need to look in the mirror and using your finger as a guideline place it horizontally to the point where the peak of the fold of your lid meets the brow bone.

     3. The Method
The brush that you use to apply eye shadow should be soft and flat. Apply shadows with horizontal strokes following the guideline of your finger.

     4. Application 
You can paint outside the boundaries of your eye toward the outer corner, but keep within the guidelines determined by your finger. Blend all nuances smoothly to avoid creating contrast and looking like a clown.

     5. The Finishing Touch
There should be no great difference where the eye shadows end and the skin on your temples begins. If there is a contrast, do your best to blend the shades as close to your skin as possible. If you do this right, you will create the illusion of bigger and wider eyes.

OKAY, but actually, i don't use eyeshadow that much.. so here are steps that I usually do..

1. Neutral Color Ombre Eye Shadow (in some occasions)
Put a light beige color on your eyelid and a medium to dark brown color near the crease adds dimension to your face, widening your eyes instantly. Just make sure you blend the transition well!

2. Groom your Eyebrows
Maintain a clean shape to keep your eyebrows from weighing down your eyes and pulling attention downward. Keeping your eyebrows nicely shaped also will make your eyelid look bigger.
   *simply arched brows - sexy look
   *straight brows - youthful look

3. Stay Natural
Too much make-up and dark colors will make your eyes look heavy and small. For everyday look I like to keep it clean with just a little mascara and line my waterline with brown liner.

4. Thighline / Line Your Upper Waterline
Draw attention away from gaps or sparse areas to make your lash line fuller as well as elongate your eyes.

5. Inner Corner Blast
Add a light color to your inner corner, and you can also line your half inner lower waterline. Matte white or beige for everyday look, and light shimmery color for special occasions..

6. Keep Your Eyebrows Full
If you aren’t blessed with the gift of naturally full eyebrows, be sure to fill them in.Cause you don't want to have a large wonderful eyes, but empty brows.

7. Curl Away
Curl your lashes! Start at the root of your lashes and pump three times, then move midway up your lashes and repeat. This will keep the curl looking natural and not too sharp. If your lashes headed up, it add more height to your eyes and makes them look larger than when you don't.

8. Keep Close To The Lash
Concentrate most of the color you apply close to the lash line. This will create a structure and shape which will then widen your eyes. Applying heavy color too close to your brow will overwhelm and make your eyes look heavy.


Actually, i'm pretty confused of what i have written.. like i want to write all things and suddenly realize that it doesn't related to the topic.. LOL..

Stay pretty and catch your crush's attention girls <3

Janice (승미)

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